Batata harra

‘Batata harra’ in Arabic simply means ‘spicy potato’. If you ask me, no mezza (or mezze) table is complete without batata harra. It is – dare I say – even better then fries. There. I said it. The traditional version is originally without tomato paste; it’s only garlic, coriander, chili and lemon juice. I like the addition of the paste as it complements the spiciness quite nicely. Give me this dish with some hummus and Lebanese flat bread and I’ll be a very happy man!

500 gr potatoes
1/2 an onion
2 garlic cloves
2 tablespoons chopped coriander leaves
1 chili pepper
1 tablespoon tomato purée
Juice from 1/2 a lime


  1. Preheat the oven at 200ºC. Wash the potatoes thoroughly and without peeling, cut them in medium cubes.
  2. Spread them on an oven tray, drizzle some and a bit of salt. Bake them for about 30 minutes, hustling them 2 or 3 times throughout.
  3. Slice the onion, crush the garlic and chop the chili pepper.
  4. Heat a bit of oil is a pan and add the onion, garlic and chili pepper.
  5. Once the onion has softened, add the tomato purée and fry for 1 minute.
  6. Add the baked potatoes and make sure the sauce coats them completely.
  7. Season to taste with a bit of salt.
  8. Before serving, add the chopped coriander and lime juice. You can enjoy this dish hot or cold.
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