Like zaatar and flat bread, there are a few things you’ll always find in Lebanese household. Labneh is no exception. It’s a kind of cream cheese based on yoghurt. The yoghurt is left to darin its fluids overnight and the next day you’ll the lovely creamy labneh. A drizzle of olive oil, some black olives, a few slices of tomatoes, flat bread and you have yourself a Lebanese breakfast. In this recipe, I’m giving labneh a bit of a twist with the garnish. The sweet and nutty flavours are perfect with the creamy and slightly sour notes of the labneh.

500 gr Greek yoghurt
1 teaspoon salt
3 dried apricots
3 dried plums
Small handful of almonds
Extra virgin olive oil


  1. Mix the yoghurt with the salt.
  2. Cover a large sieve or colander with a clean tea towel and pour in the yoghurt. Fold in the tea towel and place the yoghurt in the fridge at least 12 hours.
  3. Cut the apricots and plums in thin stripes.
  4. Roughly chop the almonds and dry roast them in pan until golden brown.
  5. Take the labneh out of the fridge and transfer it into a clean dish. Mix well.
  6. Using two tablespoons make quenelles of the labneh and place them in a serving dish.
  7. Garnish with dried fruit and almonds. Finish off with a drizzle of the olive oil and if you want a bit of freshly ground black pepper.